
Stay updated with our fasting schedule of events!
Invading Force Ministries International is intentional about corporate fasting. For more information, view our itinerary below:


Monday, January 8th
5am Prayer
Facebook Live Conference Call and Phone Lines

Anointing our heads with oil, a time of repentance
and the Lord’s Supper.

Scripture: Joel 2

Wednesday, January 10th
5am Prayer
Facebook Live Conference Call and Phone Lines

Scripture: Psalms 140

Friday, January 12th
5am Prayer 
Facebook Live Conference Call and Phone Lines

Scripture: Psalms 23

Monday, January 15th
5am Prayer
Facebook Live Conference Call and Phone Lines

Scripture: Psalms 125

Wednesday, January 17th
5am Prayer

Facebook Live Conference Call and Phone Lines

Scripture: Psalms 91

Friday, January 19th
5am Prayer

Facebook Live Conference Call and Phone Lines

Scripture: Psalms 121

Monday, January 22nd
5am Prayer
Facebook Live Conference Call and Phone Lines

Scripture: Psalms 139

Wednesday, January 24th
5am Prayer
Facebook Live Conference Call and Phone Lines

Scripture: Isaiah 54

Friday, January 26th
5am Prayer
Facebook Live Conference Call and Phone Lines

Scripture: Psalms 27

Sunday, January 28th (FAST ENDS):
Morning Glory at 8am with a time of Communion

Scripture: Jeremiah 29:11, Philippians 1:6,
Romans 8:38-39, Philippians 3:7-21

Spend time in prayer, reading the word, time of meditation, time of thanksgiving, do not forget to spend time in waiting to hear from God and journal as you go.

Join the conference call:
: Dr. Denise Mather
Conference Call Line:
Access Code: 3700009#
Phone Lines: 712-832-8327 or 425-436-6260